My short-term goal is the finish tiling the kitchen. It's half done and I should be able to finish it with one more day of work. Peter's short-term goal is the finish crack-filling the back hallway. So ... here's the schedule for the next week or so:
Saturday, October 14th
- Angela - tile rest of kitchen with help from Marsha
Tuesday, October 17th
- Angela - grout kitchen and two remaining tiles in upstairs bath
- Peter - coat of crack-fill in back hallway
- Peter - coat of crack-fill in back hallway
- Peter - finish crack-filling hallway, build router table (needed for trim)
- Angela - cut out extra insulation around windows downstairs, measure for downstairs trim
Oh yeah, I've been "tagged" by Katie
So ...
5 Weird Things about myself ...
- I eat all kinds of things I really don't like because I know they're good for me (by all kinds I mean things like bananas, yogurt, etc ...really normal stuff for most people)
- I'm a devoted follower of Flylady , so much so that some family members think it's a cult!
- I hate my food to touch, too!
- I'm not that fond of chocolate.
- I used to make Peter go to the movie theatre and buy their popcorn just so I could have some while we watched a movie at home ;) What a great guy!