Thursday, May 04, 2006

I'm impressed ...

I logged in this morning to check our goals for the week and see how we're doing, and realized that we're doing quite well! Tuesday night we hung the rest of the drywall in the guest / front bedroom and I made a first draft of a list of things for the electrician to finish up.

Last night I grouted the floor in the back hallway and painted the ceiling in the upstairs hallway. Tonight the plan is for Peter to get the first coat of crack-fill on the guest bedroom while I get the first coat of paint on the upstairs hallway walls. I'm so excited - we're doing a chair rail and shadow striping, so lots of fun!

Peter also lined up a locksmith to come out and fix the handle on our front door (anyone who's ever tried to open our front door knows what I mean!) and install the lock and handle on the garage. Guess what that means ... we can start moving tools! I'm so excited. Now if our tax return would just come back so that we can get the power hooked up out there!

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