Tuesday, December 06, 2005

One down ... Six to go!

Peter was home sick yesterday, and I had a meeting last night, so no progress on the house. However, over the weekend we did manage to get one box together, and at present it is sitting on its frame in the correct location in our kitchen – it looks so pretty! I’ll have to take a picture and post it. Putting the first box together was a little frustrating – it took about 3 hours, but each one should go faster than that, and hopefully it will be less frustrating now that we have an idea of what we’re doing!

Tonight we work on the second box. Once we get that done (which should be tonight …) we’ll have the whole run of cupboards along the side wall done except the corners – not too shabby. We’ll still have the two corner cupboards to do, one small cupboard beside the dishwasher, the cupboard under the sink, and one more basic cupboard at the end of the island part of the U. Then it’s off to the countertop store and then a two-week “wait,” during which we’ll be busy sanding, staining, and finishing the cupboards, and laying tile in the remaining two bathrooms – sounds like we’ll be really bored! Lol

I called to get some quotes for putting in a subpanel in the garage today, and most of them were in the same ballpark except one, that was about half all the rest. It makes me quite suspicious, but it would be great if we could just pay that much! We’ll have to look into it some more.

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