Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A productive night

Last night was a housework night, and we almost completed our list - that's a miracle in itself! I finished cutting most of the rest of the tile for the master bathroom (the last few will have to wait until we have the door in place), Peter put together the last major piece of face frames, and we attached one more back onto the cabinets. Tonight we're busy, so our next chance to work is tomorrow night.

Let's see ... the goals for tomorrow night will be:
  1. Attach the last back to the second corner cabinet section.
  2. Attach that section to its base.
  3. Build the base for under the sink cabinet.
  4. Put together the last face frame section (for the first corner cabinet) and attach
  5. Lightly sand the first corner cabinet
  6. Sand the second corner cabinet
We'll see how we make out. I went to take some pictures and realized there really isn't much to show. Hopefully soon we'll have some new flooring and the cabinets will all be in place (and some of them stained) so I can get some more interesting pictures.

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